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Kalani Pe'a Lyrics - E Walea

Kalani Pea Music Staff



Hīhīmanu Hilo i kuʻu pua

I ka pua loke kau i ka ‘ōnohi

Hiaʻai ka manaʻo i ke kiu

Ka makani hiwahiwa o ka ‘āina

Bridge: Pūlamahia ka huahekili

I pili i ka poli a hemoʻole

E ʻole ou malu lani lā ē

‘Aʻohe anu, ‘aʻohe māʻeʻele

Ua pakele mai kahaone

I ka popoʻi mai o nā nalu

‘Aʻole nō e paulilo ana

I ke aʻa kūpaʻa o ka ‘āina

Hāʻina ka puana aʻi lohe ‘ia

Kou inoa hanohano (kau) i ka ‘iu

‘Iuʻiu kūlana o ia pua

‘O Naupaka nō i ka wēkiu

Magnificent is Hilo because of my beloved flower

My cherished rose whom always captures the eye

Kiu wind entralls the mind

It is the precious wind of this land

Bridge: The naupaka is cherished

Held close to the heart and immovable

It is because of the protection you give

There is no biting bitter cold

The sands are saved

From the incessant crashing of the waves

They will not be completely taken away

Because of the firm roots of this land

Tell the refrain so that all may hear

Of your famous name placed on high

This flower has a lofty position

Naupaka in the highest peak

Lyrics – Devin Kamealoha Forrest & Kalani Peʻa

Music & Melody – Kalani Peʻa

Lead & Backup Vocals – Kalani Peʻa

Bass, Guitar, ʻUkulele– Kamakoa Lindsey-Asing

Steel Guitar – Casey Olsen



E nā kini o ka ‘āina e ala mai, a e ala pū

E nā mamo ‘o Hawai’i nei e ala mai, (a e ala pū)

A i mua e nā pōkiʻi a inu i ka wai ‘awaʻawa

A e mau ka lanakila, e nā kini o ka ‘āina

E nā mamo ‘o Hawai’i nei e ala mai, (a e ala pū)


I ka lawe, lawe a lilo

I ka pono, pono a mau

Paio nō ka pono ē, e nā kini o ka ‘āina

I ka lawe, lawe a lilo

I ka pono, pono a mau

Ua mau ke ea o ka ‘āina i ka pono

Ua mau ke ea o ka ‘āina i ka pono

E nā mokupuni ‘o Hawaiʻi nei e ala mai, (a e ala pū)

E nā mano kini a lehu e ala mai, (a e ala pū)

Mai Hawaiʻi ‘o Keawe a Kauaʻi ‘o Manokalani

‘Onipaʻa mau, ‘onipaʻa mau

E nā mokupuni ‘o Hawaiʻi nei

E nā mano kini a lehu e ala mai, (a e ala pū)

O people of the land rise up, and rise up

O Hawaiian descendants rise up, and rise up together

And the younger generations move forward and drink the bitter water

The victory lives always, O people of the land

O descendents of Hawaiʻi, rise up, rise together


Acquire, acquire and receive

The rights, rights forever

Fight for the rights, O people of the land

Acquire, acquire and receive

The rights, rights forever

The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness

The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness

O islands of Hawaiʻi rise up and rise together

O numerous multitude and masses rise up and rise together

From Hawaiʻi of Keawe to Kauaʻi of Manokalanipō

Steadfast always, steadfast always

O islands of Hawaiʻi

O numerous multitudes and masses rise up and rise up together

Lyrics – Ernest Kala

Lead & Backup Vocals – Kalani Peʻa

Bass, Guitar, ʻUkulele– Kamakoa Lindsey-Asing

Drums – Dave Tucciarone



Ua kili iho mai he wehi aloha

E ka ua kēhau anuhea

‘O hea kāua e luana aʻe?

I mau ka ‘olu o ka nui kino

Ua noa ka uka aʻo Waolani

E noenoe ai nei ʻohu kēhau

‘O ‘oe nō kuʻu wahi lani

E ohaoha ai ‘o Maunawili


Ua wili, ua pili pono kāua

Ka ua kēhau wehi aloha

I Waolani ‘oe e luana aʻe

A ‘ike i ka nani ‘o Maunawili


A ‘ike i ka nani ‘o Maunawili….

An adornment of love has rained gently down

It is the cool brisk misty rain

Where is it that we should go to enjoy?

So that the coolness of our entire being continues

The uplands of Waolani are free

Where this mist alights

You are my heavenly one

That makes Maunawili


We have been intertwined into one

The misty rain adornment of love

At Waolani you dwell

And see the beauty of Maunawili


And see the beauty of Maunawili…….

Lyrics – Devin Kamealoha Forrest & Kalani Peʻa

Music & Melody – Kalani Peʻa

Vocals – Kalani Peʻa & Nani Lim Yap

Featuring Guest Artist – Nani Lim Yap

Bass, Guitar, ʻUkulele – Kamakoa Lindsey-Asing



Hiaʻā aʻe kuʻu wahi moe

Hiaʻai i ka nani ʻo Māhealani

Kōaniani mai e ka Moaʻe

Pā ʻolu i ke kula aʻo Waioli

ʻOliʻoli nō au e ʻike maka

Ka hulili o ka wai no Kaliko

He pua nō au i poni ‘ia

E ‘ike i ka laʻi ʻo Pilimoe

Hāʻina ‘ia mai ana ka puana

Lua ‘ole Hanalei i ka pō laʻi

My night is sleepless

Being enthralled by Māhealani

The Moaʻe wind blows softly

Blowing pleasantly on the plains of Waioli

I overjoyed from seeing

The shimmer of the waters of Kaliko

I am truly a specially chosen blossom

To witness the calm of this evening hour

Tell again the refrain

Hanalei is the best in the calm night

Lyrics – Devin Kamealoha Forrest

Music & Melody – Kalani Peʻa

Lead & Backup Vocals – Kalani Peʻa

Bass, Guitar, ʻUkulele – Kamakoa Lindsey-Asing



Uʻi nō ‘oe ke ‘ikemaka

Uʻi nō ‘oe i kuʻu maka

E ‘ike ‘oe, E ‘ike ‘oe

E paulele iho au

‘O ‘oe kuʻu aloha ē

Uʻi nō ‘oe ke ‘ikemaka

You are so Beautiful to me

You are so Beautiful to me

Can’t you see, Can’t you see

You’re everything I hoped for

You’re everything I need

Uʻi nō ‘oe i kuʻu maka

Lyrics & Music – Billy Preston & Bruce Fisher

Hawaiian version – Kalani Peʻa

Vocals – Kalani Peʻa

Piano – Iwalani Hoʻomanawanui Apo




Makawalu ke ānuenue Kaiolohia

Waiho kāhela ‘ia i ka laʻi aloha

He moani milikaʻa i ke kino

‘Oniʻoni kela i luna a i lalo ē

Hui: Ahuwale ‘o Malelewaʻa, i ke kapu

Maʻemaʻe ke kū a ka Hoʻolua

‘Elua kāua i ka Naulu

‘Oniʻoni kela i luna a i lalo ē

Nome ana i ke kai Mokapu nō

Meaʻole ka piʻina o Puʻu Leʻa

‘O Hāʻupu kai hoʻopē ‘āhihi nō

‘Oniʻoni kela i luna a i lalo ē

Great rainbows arch over Kaiolohia

The expanse lies calm

A gentle breeze caresses

The superior one moves steadily above and below

Hui:Malelewaʻa is exposed yet forbidden

Perfect is the piercing of the Hoʻolua wind

The two of us surprised by the Naulu’s shower

The superior one moves steadily above and below

The waves roll along at Mokapu

The ascent to delight is worth great effort

Hāʻupukele is where the ‘āhihi becomes drenched

The superior one moves steadily above and below

Lyrics – Kalehua Simeona & Kalani Peʻa

Music & Melody – Kalani Peʻa

Lead & Backup Vocals – Kalani Peʻa

Bass, Keyboard, Nylon Guitar, Piano, Percussion – Dave Tucciarone



Always and forever Each moment with you Is just like a dream to me That somehow came true, yeah And I know tomorrow Will still be the same Cuz we got a life of love That won't ever change and [1]- Everyday love me your own special way Melt all my puʻuwai (heart) away with your minoʻaka (smile) Take time to tell me you really care And we'll share tomorrow together Ooh baby, I'll always love you forever Ever, ever, ever

Kekahi mau lā There will always be sunshine Ke nānā iā “Alani” When I look at “you” ‘Aʻole e ‘ōlelo iki There’s something I can’t explain Just the things that you do Inā mehameha If you get lonely E hoʻokaʻa (‘ike) mai Call me and take A pili nō kāua mau a mau A second to give to me That magic you make and….

Lyrics & Music – Rod Temperton

Lead & Backup Vocals – Kalani Peʻa

Hawaiian version – Kalani Peʻa

Bass, Keyboard, Percussion – Dave Tucciarone

Cajon – Kapono Nāʻiliʻili



Pupue iho au i mehana

Hone ana ‘ouese i kuʻu poli

Me he ala nō e ‘ī mai ana

‘Auhea kuʻu lei rose lani

Malihini ‘oe, malihini au

Ma ka ihu kāua kamaʻāina

Inā ‘o you me aʻu

Kau pono i ka noho paipai

Hāʻina ‘ia mai ka puana

Hone ana ‘ouese i kuʻu poli

I crouched down to keep

The thought of my sweetie pressed to my bosom She seemed to be saying to me

Where is my wreath of red roses? You are a stranger, I am a stranger too

But when we kiss each other, we are friends If you were here with me

We would rock together on a rocking chair This is the end of my song

A dream of my sweetie pressed to my bosom

Lyrics & Music – John K. Alameida

Lead & Backup Vocals – Kalani Peʻa

Bass, Guitar, ʻUkulele – Kamakoa Lindsey-Asing

Steel Guitar – Casey Olsen



Eō Lononuiākea

Ākea ‘āina nui kua uli

Kuahiwi Hualālai kau mau i luna

Kau mai ka maka, ka maka o ka ‘ōpua

‘Ōpua Hīnano kau i ka mālie

Mālie i ka hau anu ‘o Māʻihi

‘Ihikapu kaulana o nā lani

‘O ka lani nui, nui mehameha

Mehana hoʻi au i ka puka na ka lā

Ka lā ‘oluʻolu i kuʻu nui kino

Nui kuʻu aloha i kuʻu ‘āina

‘Āina kamahaʻo, nui ‘o Kona ē

‘Āina Kona nui, eō mai ē

To call out, my Moku o Keawe, Hawaiʻi.

Vast land of the verdant beauty of Hawaiʻi

We observe the majestic Hualālai

Cumulus clouds hover upon us

Wafting it is the hīnano in serene beauty

It is calm, embraced by the chill of Māʻihi

‘Ihikapu, famous of the noble ones

Of the heavenly one, Kamehameha Nui

My body is warm from the first peak of the sun

The sun satisfies my entire body

I am deeply in love of my verdant land

My land is magnificent, oh Kona it is

The marvelous Kona, I call to you….

Lyrics – Makana Garma

English Version – Kalani Peʻa

Lead & Backup Vocals – Kalani Peʻa



Mauna Kea kilakila keu ā ka uʻi

Luhiehu ka Makua o kuʻu lani

Poliʻahu ka wahine kapa hau anu

Pumehana ka wahine e ‘apo mai ē, ‘apo mai ē

Hiʻi mai ke kuahiwi i ka moena hau

Pōʻai nā hale a puni ka Makua

Ua kani ā ‘uʻina a māuna ‘ia

E anoʻi pono nō e pūlama mau ē, pūlama mau ē

Eō mai Poliʻahu e noho nani mai

Poliʻahu ka Makua o kuʻu lani

Mauna Kea kilakila keu ā ka uʻi

Luhiehu ka Makua o kuʻu lani

Majestic Mauna Kea, oh you’re exquisite

The most appealing guardian, my heavenly one

Covered in the blanket of snow, you are Poliʻahu

This warmth of love, she embraces us

The slopes are embraced by the snow

Structures are built around the guardian

Lightning and thunder occurs

To long for the love, we must cherish her forever

We call out to you Poliʻahu who sits amidst with beauty

The appealing guardian, the most heavenly one

Majestic Mauna Kea, oh you’re exquisite

The most appealing guardian, my heavenly one

Lyrics, Music & Melody – Kalani Peʻa

Lead & Backup Vocals – Kalani Peʻa

Bass, Guitar, ʻUkulele – Kamakoa Lindsey-Asing



He leo a he leo mahalo hoʻi ē

I ka ‘āina hiwahiwa aʻo Piʻilani ē

He leo a he leo mahalo hoʻi ē

I ka ‘āina luna lilo Haleakalā ē

He leo a he leo mahalo hoʻi ē

I ka ‘āina kamahaʻo Nā Wai ‘Ehā ē

He leo a he leo mahalo hoʻi ē

He aloha he aloha e nā kūpuna ē

He aloha he aloha e nā kūpuna ē

With our voice, our voices we say mahalo

As we represent the beloved and precious land of Piʻilani

With our voice, our voices we say mahalo

As we represent the highest point of Haleakalā

With our voice, our voices we say mahalo

As we represent our special land of Nā Wai ‘Ehā

With our voice, our voices we say mahalo

As we represent the love and aloha of our kūpuna

As we represent the love and aloha of our kūpuna

Lyrics – Kalani Peʻa

Music & Melody – Kalehua Simeona

Lead & Backup Vocals – Kalani Peʻa



Nani ka lā, maikaʻi

Me kuʻu pōmaikaʻi

Nani ka hui ‘ana

Ma kēia hālāwai

  1. : Nani, Nani

Nani nā hana maikaʻi

Nani nā ‘ōlelo a Iesu

Me kona lokomaikaʻi

Nani nā kumu aʻo

Me kuʻu ‘oli nei

Nani nā aʻo ‘ana

Kū i ka pololei

Somewhere beautiful the sun is shining

Somewhere there is beauty

Somewhere beautiful as we meet

Somewhere the songbirds dwell

Somewhere beautiful, somewhere beautiful

Beautiful Isle of Somewhere

God lives, and all is well

With the beauty of his love

Somewhere beautiful the task is done

Somewhere there is celebration

Somewhere we learn anew

Somewhere beautiful we remain righteous

Traditional – Haipule

Lyrics, Music, Hawaiian version - Jessie B. Pounds, C.W. Kinney & J.S. Fearis

Vocals – Kalani Peʻa

Piano – Iwalani Hoʻomanawanui Apo


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