Mauna Kea kilakila keu ā ka uʻi
Luhiehu ka Makua o kuʻu lani
Poliʻahu ka wahine kapa hau anu
Pumehana ka wahine e ‘apo mai ē, ‘apo mai ē
Hiʻi mai ke kuahiwi i ka moena hau
Pōʻai nā hale a puni ka Makua
Ua kani ā ‘uʻina a māuna ‘ia
E anoʻi pono nō e pūlama mau ē, pūlama mau ē
Eō mai Poliʻahu e noho nani mai
Poliʻahu ka Makua o kuʻu lani
Mauna Kea kilakila keu ā ka uʻi
Luhiehu ka Makua o kuʻu lani
Majestic Mauna Kea, oh you’re exquisite
The most appealing guardian, my heavenly one
Covered in the blanket of snow, you are Poliʻahu
This warmth of love, she embraces us
The slopes are embraced by the snow
Structures are built around the guardian
Lightning and thunder occurs
To long for the love, we must cherish her forever
We call out to you Poliʻahu who sits amidst with beauty
The appealing guardian, the most heavenly one
Majestic Mauna Kea, oh you’re exquisite
The most appealing guardian, my heavenly one